
Azure Data Platform

Learnings, findings and fun of an Azure Data Platform Consultant

Hello, my name is Felix Möller. I want to start blogging and publish the learnings I have as an Consultant on the Azure Data Platform. In my daily life I work at avanade, a very cool company, that aims to be the leading innovator for Microsoft technologies.

Though in this blog, I express my pers...

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The WHO has published a success story about our project. The world health data hub is an Azure Data Platform. Leveraging Synapse, Azure ML and Azure Data Factory teams can work with data they ingest and share in an Azure Data Lake gen2.

We have published a success story about the recent project conducted with thyssenkrupp.

In the following video, I am presenting together with the thyssenkrupp stakeholders some more insights in what we have built.

My colleague Augustin Bukvic and me have presented at Power Platform World Tour in Munich.

You find the deck here: 20191104-PowerBI_AdvModeling_ClassSlides.pdf.

I have presented at SQL Saturday #880 in Munich on October 19th 2019. It was a great event with many great speakers.

You find the deck here: 201910SQLSaturdayDevOps.pdf.

I have presented at the Spark+AI 2019 Summit in Amsterdam.

You find more information about the slot on the conference website.